
Splat the rat game rules
Splat the rat game rules

I belong to everything not to fire yesterday nor to the nail tomorrow to everything simultaneously I have this power that is not what I can nor what I am I belong

Splat the rat game rules

I belong to the finger that strikes the la to the flow to the coat to the honey plate to the moccasin to bumblebee fur I belong to the blue seer at the window In that book, each poem participates in three separate, intertwining sets of poetic sequences distinctly determined (1) by their representation of moves in an actual game of GO, (2) by their place in an abstract figure, or constellation of poems, and (3) by their place in a ‘paragraph’ of poems organized according to a pseudo-mathematical justification. In his book ɛ (1967) he structured a poem-sequence according to the rules of the Japanese board-game GO, which he helped introduce into France.

Splat the rat game rules Splat the rat game rules

Jacques Roubaud is a poet, mathematician, novelist, and member of the Oulipo since 1966.

Splat the rat game rules